πŸ₯ v0.13.0 - Record grouping, Latest dependency upgrades, and bug fixes!

With an improved version of the review layout users can group records, applications use the latest version of dependencies, and important bug fixes for a smooth data import experience!

✨ New

  • Introducing a grouping facility for the review phase, users can jump among All, Valid and Invalid data tab to quickly see records in the respective category.

βž• Improved

  • Upgraded next & axios version in web and demo applications.

  • Ignored max-len warning in Table and build warnings for building packages.

πŸ”§ Fixed

  • In the code editor, when trying to access the undefined variable, the validation method was returning an internal server error.

  • Unique item validation was not working properly when re-validating the data.

  • If the user has not mapped any column, then the review phase was showing undefined in every cell for that column.

  • Improved data rendering mechanism to decompose tooltips when rendering fields to avoid data inconsistency.

  • The errors were getting updated at the wrong index when the user changed the cell value at the first index.

We’re constantly working on improving the way handle CSV & Excel import in your product, and value your input on features, bugs, and more. Make sure you join discord to have a chat with us and share your thoughts!

Last updated