⏩v0.15.0 - Default Value, Forward Slash and more!

We've added facility to duplicate import items, paginate and search over them, and few bug fixes!

✨ New

  • You can provide a default value in the column. You can use provided macros like null, undefined, [], true and false. Or you can mention a value of your choice. Which will reflect in response when the column value is empty or undefined.

βž• Improved

  • You can provide a key for Handsontable dynamically from environment variables while self-hosting. By default, the impler uses the trial license key.

πŸ”§ Fixed

  • The error mapping was not working properly if the column key contains /. Now you can use it without any hesitations.

  • The import widget was not able to manage the data count properly due to an incorrect API response.

  • Backspace on any cell in the import widget was showing null.

We’re constantly working on improving the way handle CSV & Excel import in your product, and value your input on features, bugs, and more. Make sure you join discord to have a chat with us and share your thoughts!

Last updated